Commelina albescens

Commelina albescens

Native range of Commelina albescens is Eritrea to Malawi, Arabian Peninsula, Pakistan to West India Elevation: 641 meters.

Rufous-vented yuhina (Yuhina occipitalis)

Rufous-vented yuhina (Yuhina occipitalis)

This was perhaps just another spring morning here in Bhutan, but to me it was such a special time at this location. This day started with such a beautiful and…

Seychelles Paradise Flycatcher (Terpsiphone corvina)

Seychelles Paradise Flycatcher (Terpsiphone corvina)

This was my second day by this nest, and I was able to get even closer without disturbing her. This female Seychelles paradise flycatcher was in the final…

Seychelles Paradise Flycatcher (Terpsiphone corvina)

Seychelles Paradise-Flycatcher (Terpsiphone corvina)

This female Seychelles paradise flycatcher is making certain the nest is top notch, with the best possible materials, so that her clutch of eggs will result in…

Seychelles Paradise Flycatcher (Terpsiphone corvina)

Seychelles Paradise Flycatcher (Terpsiphone corvina)

This threatened and endemic male of the Seychelles paradise flycatcher is found on La Digue and a very few other islands in Seychelles, is naturally unaware of…

Ekorn (Sciurus vulgaris)

Ekorn (Sciurus vulgaris)

Et ekorn (Sciurus vulgaris) koser seg med en av mine brødskalker. Hun skulle bare visst hvor søt jeg synes hun er, og svært mange med meg. Nusselig er bare…

Rådyr (Capreolus capreolus)

Rådyr (Capreolus capreolus)

Et ungt rådyr (Capreolus capreolus) fanget i porten. Med litt ujevne mellomrom hørte jeg noen høye pipelyder som fra en trillebår med hjul uten smøring. Det…

Commelina forskalaei

Commelina forskalaei

My first thought when I saw commelina forskalaei was that how did it come all the way here from South America. In Pantanal I found lots of Commelina erecta,…

Black-fronted Nunbird (Monasa nigrifrons)

Black-fronted Nunbird (Monasa nigrifrons)

If you don't see the nunbirds you definitely hear them, as they are very vocal. I found many of them in the forest aorund the Amazon Research and Conservation…

Smooth-billed Ani (Crotophaga ani)

Smooth-billed Ani (Crotophaga ani)

The oxbow lake at the Amazon Research and Conservation Center is teaming with life, and is an excellent location to get up and close to the smooth-billed ani…