Chestnut-headed oropendola (Psarocolius wagleri)

Chestnut-headed oropendola (Psarocolius wagleri)

Oropendolas are omnivores and will frequent any feeding station with fruits. They are expert weavers and their hanging nests will dangle violently in strong…

Montezuma Oropendola (Psarocolius montezuma)

Montezuma Oropendola (Psarocolius montezuma)

An opportunistic and inquisitive individual looking for tidbits on a feeding station at Selva Verde Lodge. They are excellent weavers and make hanging nests…

chestnut-headed oropendola (Psarocolius wagleri)

Chestnut-headed oropendola (Psarocolius wagleri)

Oropendolas are omnivores and will frequent any feeding station with fruits. They are expert weavers and their hanging nests will dangle violently in strong…

Ospeskrubb (Leccinum aurantiacum)

Ospeskrubb (Leccinum aurantiacum)

Et nydelig eksemplar av ospeskrubb (Leccinum aurantiacum) med en mygg som viser dimensjonen til soppen. Skogen er full av fantastiske sopp nå, og det er en…

Striated Laughingthrush (Grammatoptila striata)

Striated Laughingthrush (Grammatoptila striata)

I encountered the striated laughingthrush (Grammatoptila striata) many times during my time in Bhutan, but rarely in clear view like this. In fact I thought I…

Hoary-throated barwing (Actinodura nipalensis)

Hoary-throated barwing (Actinodura nipalensis)

Experiencing the rhododendron forests in bloom is an amazing experience in many ways as they are a magnet to so many incredible bird species. Sometimes you may…

Long-tailed sibia (Heterophasia picaoides)

Long-tailed sibia (Heterophasia picaoides)

To the human eye a tree with just these flaming inflorescences is a wonder to behold, but for pollinators and nectar hunters alike this is a welcome and very…

Bekkeblom (Caltha palustris) UV

Bekkeblom (Caltha palustris) UV

Dette er hva som gjør UV fotografering så utrolig spennende! For hvordan ser blomsten ut i UV i forhold til hva vi mennesker ser? Vi ser bekkeblommen som helt…

Skogforglemmegei (Myosotis sylvatica) UV

Skogforglemmegei (Myosotis sylvatica) UV

Selv om denne blosmten er kritthvit i det synlige lys for oss mennesker, er den ganske så mørk i UV, og spesielt i sentrum, der den er gul i synlig lys.…

Vårkål (Ranunculus ficaria) UV

Vårkål (Ranunculus ficaria) UV

Dette er vårens store overraskelse hva anngår forskjeller i UV og synlig lys! Lyset vi mennesker oppfatter gjør denne blomsten altoverveiende ensfaget gul. Men…