Echidnopsis socotrana

Echidnopsis socotrana

Echidnopsis socotrana is the most common of the 5 Echidnopsis species found on Socotra, at least the one that when found is growing in very decent numbers. The…

Echidnopsis socotrana

Echidnopsis socotrana

Echidnopsis socotrana is the most common of the 5 Echidnopsis species found on Socotra, at least the one that when found is growing in very decent numbers. The…

Echidnopsis socotrana

Echidnopsis socotrana

Echidnopsis socotrana is the most common of the 5 Echidnopsis species found on Socotra, at least the one that when found is growing in very decent numbers. The…

Echidnopsis socotrana

Echidnopsis socotrana

Echidnopsis socotrana is the most common of the 5 Echidnopsis species found on Socotra, at least the one that when found is growing in very decent numbers. The…

Echidnopsis socotrana

Echidnopsis socotrana

Echidnopsis socotrana is the most common of the 5 Echidnopsis species found on Socotra, at least the one that when found is growing in very decent numbers. The…

Echidnopsis socotrana

Echidnopsis socotrana

Echidnopsis socotrana is the most common of the 5 Echidnopsis species found on Socotra, at least the one that when found is growing in very decent numbers. The…

Cynanchum revoilii

Cynanchum revoilii

Cynanchum revoilii is a very common species on Socotra, to mid-level elevations, but I have only occasionally encountered them in bloom like here. Native range…

Cynanchum socotranum

Cynanchum socotranum

I've only occasionally encountered mature individuals like this one, but every time Cissus subaphylla has been growing amidst it. It is endemic to Socotra.…

Ceropegia affinis

Ceropegia affinis

Native range of Ceropegia affinis is Eritrea to Kenya and Socotra. Elevation: 641 meters.

Cynanchum socotranum

Cynanchum socotranum

A heavily browsed Cynanchum socotranum that has survived for many years, judging by the very dense and widespread growth. The only way for this specimen to…