Parnassia nubicola

Parnassia nubicola

Parnassia nubicolais found in Sikkim's temperate to alpine biomes to 4600 meters elevation. Elevation: 3468 meters. Native range is East Afghanistan to China.…

Gul nøkkerose (Nuphar lutea)

Gul nøkkerose (Nuphar lutea)

Gul nøkkerose (Nuphar lutea) er en umiskjennelig og kjær plante vi finner i tjern, vann og elver. Enkelte steder kan en komme på nært hold helt tørrskodd, som…

Large Caltrops (Pedalium murex)

Large Caltrops (Pedalium murex)

Large Caltrops (Pedalium murex) ia an introduced species to Socotra that spreads from gardens, and date groves. Native range is West Tropical Africa to Eritrea…

Black-faced Black Spider Monkey (Ateles chamek)

Black-faced Black Spider Monkey (Ateles chamek)

Almost every day I encountered either spider or howler monkeys. This black-faced black spider monkey (Ateles chamek) is part of a group I found during one of…

Red Howler Monkey (Alouatta seniculus)

Red Howler Monkey (Alouatta seniculus)

There are many groups of both spider and howler monkeys roaming the forest around Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC), and this group turned up as I…

Black and Gold Howler (Alouatta caraya)

Black and Gold Howler (Alouatta caraya)

This part of the Pantanal has numerous forested islands. Islands, as they are truly so during the annual floods, but also virtual islands during the dry season…

Black and Gold Howler (Alouatta caraya)

Black and Gold Howler (Alouatta caraya)

This part of the Pantanal has numerous forested islands. Islands, as they are truly so during the annual floods, but also virtual islands during the dry season…

Hvit nøkkerose (Nymphaea alba)

Hvit nøkkerose (Nymphaea alba)

Nydammen nord for Gjersjøen er full av vannliljer og andre vannplanter. Hvit nøkkerose (Nymphaea alba) er kanskje den aller vakreste av vannliljene og gir…

Hvit nøkkerose (Nymphaea alba)

Hvit nøkkerose (Nymphia alba)

Den rundere bladformen til hvit nøkkerose (Nymphaea alba) gjør den lett å skille fra den gule nøkkerosen utenom blomstringstiden. Bladene er også rødlige frem…