Gul nøkkerose (Nuphar lutea)

Gul nøkkerose (Nuphar lutea)

Gul nøkkerose (Nuphar lutea) er en umiskjennelig og kjær plante vi finner i tjern, vann og elver. Enkelte steder kan en komme på nært hold helt tørrskodd, som…

Large Caltrops (Pedalium murex)

Large Caltrops (Pedalium murex)

Large Caltrops (Pedalium murex) ia an introduced species to Socotra that spreads from gardens, and date groves. Native range is West Tropical Africa to Eritrea…

Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae)

Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae)

Kingfishers are known for fishing, but fish is not big on the laughing kookaburras menu. It will sit perched high like a fence post seen here, and wait for…

Chocó Toucan (Ramphastos brevis)

Chocó Toucan (Ramphastos brevis)

The Chocó toucan (Ramphastos brevis) looks very similar to chestnut-mandibled and yellow-throated toucans, but as the name implies this species only exists in…

Ornate Flycatcher (Myiotriccus ornatus)

Ornate Flycatcher (Myiotriccus ornatus)

Capturing birds in the wild is hard as they rarely get close enough, especially for the smaller of the species like this one. A brief encounter at the San…

Pale-mandibled Araçari (Pteroglossus torquatus ssp. erythropygius)

Pale-mandibled Araçari (Pteroglossus torquatus ssp. erythropygius)

Pale-mandibled Araçari (Pteroglossus torquatus ssp. erythropygius) is a striking species that, together with toucans, is a frequent visitor to feeding stations…

Pale-mandibled Araçari (Pteroglossus torquatus ssp. erythropygius)

Pale-mandibled Araçari (Pteroglossus torquatus ssp. erythropygius)

A pale-mandibled araçari (Pteroglossus torquatus ssp. erythropygius) with a severely damaged lower mandible with a part missing - perhaps from a fight with a…

Chocó Toucan (Ramphastos brevis)

Chocó Toucan (Ramphastos brevis)

Chocó toucan (Ramphastos brevis) looks very similar to chestnut-mandibled and yellow-throated toucans, but as the name implies this species only exists in the…

Chocó Toucan (Ramphastos brevis)

Chocó Toucan (Ramphastos brevis)

A typical posture when in an agitated or exited state. Here I'm level with the Chocó toucan (Ramphastos brevis) up in the canopy, which is the best way to see…

Crimson-rumped Toucanet (Aulacorhynchus haematopygus)

Crimson-rumped Toucanet (Aulacorhynchus haematopygus)

With its green plumage the crimson-rumped toucanet (Aulacorhynchus haematopygus) blends in perfectly with the canopy, and can be hard to see. It will happily…