Twoflower Violet (Viola biflora)

Twoflower Violet (Viola biflora)

Twoflower Violet (Viola biflora) is found in Sikkim's temperate to alpine biomes to 4900 meters elevation. Elevation: 4831 meters. Native range is temperate &…

Viola biflora

Viola biflora

Elevation: 3161 meters. Native range is temperate & subalpine Northern Hemisphere to Northern Sumatra.

Myrfiol (Viola palustris)

Myrfiol (Viola palustris)

Myrfiol (Viola palustris) vokser i store og tette bestander langs elven som renner ut i Sjølitjernet i Skogbygda. Faktisk kan jeg ikke huske å ha sett så store…

Cleome brachycarpa

Cleome brachycarpa

The largest specimen I have come across of Cleome brachycarpa so far. It's clearly enjoying excellent growing conditions in the shadow of the Archer cliffs.…

Spade Flower (Pigea enneasperma)

Spade Flower (Pigea enneasperma)

I encountered Spade Flower (Pigea enneasperma) in bloom in a few places in Firhmin Forest. It is a very variable species, and is found with spatulate…

Spade Flower (Pigea enneasperma)

Spade Flower (Pigea enneasperma)

Spade Flower (Pigea enneasperma) is a very variable species, to the extent that this one is possibly a subspecies due to its spatulate (spoon-shaped) leaves,…

Laughing kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae)

Laughing kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae)

During my stay in Sydney I got real close to a family of kookaburras residing in the park just outside the house of my friend Pia Lindgren. First of all I was…

Skjermsveve (Hieracium umbellatum)

Skjermsveve (Hieracium umbellatum)

I natt var det frost og mer frost er i vente - november er tross alt kun to uker unna. Det er slutten for blomster for i år, og nå er det for det meste frø og…

2015 lunar eclipse

2015 lunar eclipse

What an amazing night!! Perfect conditions due to a high pressure system. No wind, and no significant clouds during totality. After totality and towards…

Socotra startrails

Socotra startrails

I will never forget the 2 days I had on top of Socotra in the Haghier mountains. This is the highest of them all - Skand - looking west. At this time there's…