Tettegras (Pinguicula vulgaris)

Tettegras (Pinguicula vulgaris)

Dette må være den største bestanden av tettegras (Pinguicula vulgaris) jeg har kommet over. De vokser kun i et lite område langs en skogsvei som nylig har…

Tettegras (Pinguicula vulgaris)

Tettegras (Pinguicula vulgaris)

Som soldugg må tettegress opptre langt mer vennlig mot sine ofre ellers i sesongen når de trenger å formere seg. Derfor er blomsten hevet høyt over de klebrige…

Iphigenia socotrana

Iphigenia socotrana

My first encounter of Iphigenia socotrana, and what a perfect specimen! 22 October 2023 cyclone Tej hit Socotra, and with it extreme amounts of rain inundated…

Utricularia kumaonensis

Utricularia kumaonensis

Utricularia kumaonensis is found in Sikkim's subtropical to alpine biomes to 4200 meters elevation. Elevation: 1936 meters. Native range is Himalaya to China…

Hokkaido Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki)

Hokkaido Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki)

I encountered several red foxes during my days in Hokkaido, but was surprised to see so many of them injured in various ways. One had a damaged front leg and…

Hokkaido Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki)

Hokkaido Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki)

I encountered quite a few red foxes during my days in Hokkaido, but was surprised to see so many of them injured in various ways. One Hokkaido red Fox (Vulpes…

Hokkaido Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki)

Hokkaido Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki)

I had quite a few Hokkaido red fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki) encounters in Hokkaido, and this one went straight through a group of red-crowned cranes. It…

Hokkaido Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki)

Hokkaido Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki)

I had quite a few Hokkaido red fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki) encounters in Hokkaido, and this one is heading towards a group of red-crowned cranes. It was…

Hokkaido Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki)

Hokkaido Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki)

I had quite a few Hokkaido red fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki) encounters in Hokkaido, and this one is heading towards a group of red-crowned cranes. It was…

Cape Wild Dog (Lycaon pictus ssp. pictus)

Cape Wild Dog (Lycaon pictus ssp. pictus)

I had many incredible encounters with Cape wild dog (Lycaon pictus ssp. pictus) during my stay in Okavango. One hunt went straight through the camp! Here you…