Blokkebær (Vaccinium uliginosum)

Blokkebær (Vaccinium uliginosum)

Blokkebær kan kanskje ligne på blåbær i forbifarten, men både blomsten og frukten er veldig forskjellig. En smak på frukten vil gi smaksløkene umiddelbar…

Monolluma socotrana

Monolluma socotrana

Monolluma socotrana can be found with flowers almost any time of the year on Socotra, but where to find one is the question. This one was just next to the…

Gymnocarpos kuriensis

Gymnocarpos kuriensis

Elevation: 409 meters. Endemic.

Cynanchum revoilii

Cynanchum revoilii

Cynanchum revoilii has a strange looking, but edible fruit. I've encountered many in bloom in the northwest this visit, but only this one with fruit.…

Persian Carpet Flower (Edithcolea grandis)

Persian Carpet Flower (Edithcolea grandis)

Persian Carpet Flower (Edithcolea grandis) is found sporadically on Socotra and even rarer in bloom! Sometimes it grows under a bush, and you have to look…

Simple-leaved Bean Caper (Zygophyllum simplex)

Simple-leaved Bean Caper (Zygophyllum simplex)

Elevation: 263 meters. Native range is Cape Verde, Sahara to Tanzania and Northwest India, Angola to South Africa.

Ochradenus socotranus

Ochradenus socotranus

This Ochradenus socotranus grows on Socotra’s Nait coast, at the edge of a 400 meter drop to the sea. Elevation: 263 meters. It is endemic to Socotra.……

Ochradenus socotranus

Ochradenus socotranus

This Ochradenus socotranus grows on Socotra’s Nait coast, at the edge of a 400 meter drop to the sea. During the summer months the southwestern monsoon reigns…

Cynanchum revoilii

Cynanchum revoilii

Cynanchum revoilii is a very common species on Socotra, to mid-level elevations, but I have only occasionally encountered them in bloom like here. Native range…

Sida ovata

Sida ovata

Native range is Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Iran to India. Elevation: 554 meters.