Trichodesma laxiflorum

Trichodesma laxiflorum

Elevation: 733 meters. Endemic.

Cystostemon socotranus

Cystostemon socotranus

Cystostemon socotranus grows in high numbers on the limestone plateau of the northeast of Socotra, where there is soil and loose rocks. Endemic. Elevation: 584…

Heliotropium balfourii

Heliotropium balfourii

There are several endemic heliotropium species on Socotra. Heliotropium balfourii is distinguished by the green-yellow and wrinkly leaves. Endemic. Elevation:…

Cystostemon socotranus

Cystostemon socotranus

Cystostemon socotranus is Endemic to Socotra. Elevation: 579 meters

Cystostemon socotranus

Cystostemon socotranus

Cystostemon socotranus grows in places in high numbers on the limestone plateau of the northeast of Socotra. Endemic. Elevation: 625 meters.

Cystostemon socotranus

Cystostemon socotranus

Cystostemon socotranus grows in high numbers on the limestone plateau of the northeast of Socotra, where there is soil and loose rocks. Endemic. Elevation: 583…

Cystostemon socotranus

Cystostemon socotranus

Elevation: 515 meters Cystostemon socotranus is Endemic to Socotra.

Trollbær (Actaea spicata)

Trollbær (Actaea spicata)

Trollbær (Actaea spicata) har naturlig utbredelse i Europa til Vest-Sibir og Nord-Iran.

Diplopterygium giganteum

Diplopterygium giganteum

Diplopterygium giganteum is found in Sikkim's subtropical biome. Elevation: 1936 meters. Native range is Nepal to South Central China and Myanmar.

Thalictrum elegans

Thalictrum elegans

Thalictrum elegans is found in Sikkim's subalpine to alpine biomes to 4300 meters elevation. Elevation: 3920 meters. Native range is Northeast Pakistan to…