Justicia rigida

Justicia rigida

Justicia rigida is found in Socotra's low-lying western plains and near the coast. It has white flowers, but I encountered none with flowers during my December…

Trichocalyx orbiculatus

Trichocalyx orbiculatus

Trichocalyx orbiculatus is similar to Trichocalyx orbiculatus, but with broader, orbicular leaves. Elevation: 409 meters. Endemic.

Camptoloma lyperiiflorum

Camptoloma lyperiiflorum

Camptoloma lyperiiflorum is easily recognized by the glandular hairs. It is found in the cliffs of western and southwestern Socotra, often in places protected…

Barleria tetracantha

Barleria tetracantha

A young Barleria tetracantha finding foothold in a hole in the limestone of southwestern Socotra. When not in bloom it's recognized by the characteristic…

Justicia rigida

Justicia rigida

Justicia rigida is found in Socotra's low-lying western plains and near the coast. It has white flowers, but I encountered none with flowers during my December…

Justicia rigida

Justicia rigida

Justicia rigida is found in Socotra's low-lying western plains and near the coast. It has white flowers, but I encountered none with flowers during my December…

Trichocalyx obovatus

Trichocalyx obovatus

Trichocalyx obovatus is similar to trichocalyx orbiculatus which has orbicular leaves with shorter petiole. Uncertain if this could be a variation of one…

Morten Ross and Boswellia scopulorum

Morten Ross and Boswellia scopulorum

Here I'm taking a short break from exploring the boswellias growing on the cliffs here. I encountered both Boswellia popoviana and Boswellia scopulorum here.…

Neuracanthus aculeatus

Neuracanthus aculeatus

Neuracanthus aculeatus is Endemic to Socotra. Elevation: 16 meters.

Neuracanthus aculeatus

Neuracanthus aculeatus

Neuracanthus aculeatus is Endemic to Socotra. Elevation: 52 meters.