Argiope sector

Argiope sector

Elevation: 139 meters. Argiope sector

Kalanchoe robusta

Kalanchoe robusta

Kalanchoe robusta resembles Kalanchoe farinacea, but is much less common, grows much taller and upright. When in bloom the inflorescence is the easiest way to…

Kalanchoe robusta

Kalanchoe robusta

Kalanchoe robusta resembles Kalanchoe farinacea, but is much less common, grows much taller and upright. When in bloom the inflorescence is the easiest way to…

Kalanchoe robusta

Kalanchoe robusta

Kalanchoe robusta resembles Kalanchoe farinacea, but is much less common, grows much taller and upright. When in bloom the inflorescence is the easiest way to…

Trollbær (Actaea spicata)

Trollbær (Actaea spicata)

Trollbær (Actaea spicata) har naturlig utbredelse i Europa til Vest-Sibir og Nord-Iran.

Diplopterygium giganteum

Diplopterygium giganteum

Diplopterygium giganteum is found in Sikkim's subtropical biome. Elevation: 1936 meters. Native range is Nepal to South Central China and Myanmar.

Sedum multicaule

Sedum multicaule

Sedum multicaule is found in Sikkim's subtropical to temperate biomes to 3500 meters elevation. Elevation: 1940 meters. Native range is Northeast Pakistan to…