Dirichletia obovata

Dirichletia obovata

Most of the Dirichletia obovatas I encountered were past their flowering, but this one had a few sweet scented tubes…

Oldenlandia pulvinata

Oldenlandia pulvinata

Oldenlandia pulvinata is a common species seen from sea-level to 700-800 meters elevation. During this visit I found…

Dirichletia obovata

Dirichletia obovata

At this stage the inflorescences of the Dirichletia obovata look like hortensia, but in fact the flowers are long gone…

Oldenlandia pulvinata

Oldenlandia pulvinata

In places I found large numbers of these lovely cushion-forming plants in bloom. Some with white flowers, others blue,…

Dirichletia obovata

Dirichletia obovata

Dirichletia obovata is a common and very variable species, here found in the Firhmin forest. In fact so variable that…

Oldenlandia balfourii

Oldenlandia balfourii

Oldenlandia balfourii is so small that it's very easy to miss! On the field below the weather station of Skand I found…

Oldenlandia balfourii UV

Oldenlandia balfourii UV

The yellow center of the flower of Oldenlandia balfourii is dark in UV, and the white petals are also quite dark. In UV…

Oldenlandia balfourii

Oldenlandia balfourii

Oldenlandia balfourii has such tiny flowers so they are very easy to miss! On the field below the weather station of…

Dirichletia obovata

Dirichletia obovata

For me the trail to the Hoq cave was so much more interesting than the cave itself, as here you'll see incredible…

Dirichletia virgata

Dirichletia virgata

I had to look far and wide to find a dirichletia virgata with flowers, as they all seemed past their prime flowering…

Dirichletia virgata

Dirichletia virgata

I had to look far and wide to find a dirichletia virgata with flowers, as they all seemed past their prime flowering…

Kohautia socotrana

Kohautia socotrana

This flower of kohautia socotrana is so elusive! I found one flower, and marked the spot so I would find it when I…