Socotra Star-Chestnut (Sterculia africana socotrana)

Socotra Star-Chestnut (Sterculia africana socotrana)

Socotra Star-Chestnut (Sterculia africana socotrana) is one of the largest of all tree species on Socotra. They are…

Neuracanthus aculeatus

Neuracanthus aculeatus

Neuracanthus aculeatus is Endemic to Socotra. Elevation: 52 meters.

Neuracanthus aculeatus

Neuracanthus aculeatus

Neuracanthus aculeatus is Endemic to Socotra. Elevation: 52 meters.

Boswellia socotrana

Boswellia socotrana

The leaves of Boswellia socotrana are the smallest of the boswellias and should be easy to distinguish. However, there…

Cynanchum revoilii

Cynanchum revoilii

Cynanchum revoilii is a very common species on Socotra, to mid-level elevations, but I have only occasionally…

Cynanchum socotranum

Cynanchum socotranum

I've only occasionally encountered mature individuals like this one, but every time Cissus subaphylla has been growing…

Boswellia socotrana

Boswellia socotrana

The leaves of Boswellia socotrana are the smallest of the boswellias and should be easy to distinguish. However, there…

Sida ovata

Sida ovata

Native range is Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Iran to India. Elevation: 554 meters.

Socotra plant (Sida)

Socotra plant (Sida)

Elevation: 554 meters.

Socotra plant (Sida)

Socotra plant (Sida)

Elevation: 554 meters.

Algarrobilla (Senna sophera)

Algarrobilla (Senna sophera)

Native range is Aruba, Bahamas, Belize, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Leeward Is., Netherlands…