Bitter Tomato (Solanum incanum)

Bitter Tomato (Solanum incanum)

Bitter Tomato (Solanum incanum) is found throughout Socotra, from sea-level to well above 700 meters. Native range is…

Ballochia amoena

Ballochia amoena

This Ballochia amoena looks similar to ballochia rotundifolia, seen here, but the habit is quite different. This one is…

Dirichletia obovata

Dirichletia obovata

Most of the Dirichletia obovatas I encountered were past their flowering, but this one had a few sweet scented tubes…

Croton sarcocarpus

Croton sarcocarpus

Croton sarcocarpus is easily distinguished from croton socotranus by the large leaves. Elevation: 393 meters. Croton…

Ficus vasta

Ficus vasta

This Ficus vasta is growing by the vertical cliffs of northeastern Socotra where it is supplied with more rain than in…

Polycarpaea paulayana

Polycarpaea paulayana

A very healthy specimen of polycarpaea paulayana. It is growing near the Hoq cave of the northeastern coast of Socotra,…

Paraerva microphylla

Paraerva microphylla

Paraerva microphylla looks similar to Paraerva revoluta, but stems and leaves are glabrous (without hairs), opposed to…

Cartilage Caper (Capparis cartilaginea)

Cartilage Caper (Capparis cartilaginea)

Native range is Egypt to Tanzania, West Asia to Northwest India, Arabian Peninsula, West Indian Ocean.

Heliotropium aegyptiacum

Heliotropium aegyptiacum

Native range of Heliotropium aegyptiacum is Egypt to North Kenya and Arabian Peninsula.

Scrophularia arguta

Scrophularia arguta

I encountered this Scrophularia arguta close to a vertical cliff that blocks the sun for many months of the year where…

Euphorbia schimperi

Euphorbia schimperi

Native range of Euphorbia schimperi is Ethiopia, Eritrea, Socotra, Arabian Peninsula.

Habenaria socotrana

Habenaria socotrana

The fact that species of orchids are found on Socotra is a testament to the wealth of opportunities for life here. At…