Åkerdylle (Sonchus arvensis)

Åkerdylle (Sonchus arvensis)

Bladene til åkerdylle (Sonchus arvensis) kan kanskje minne om tistel, tornete som de er. Naturlig utbredelse i…

Phlegmariurus hystrix

Phlegmariurus hystrix

Phlegmariurus hystrix is one of several species of Lycopodium at this altitude. Looks like spruce! Altitude 3450…

Leopard Moth (Pantherodes pardalis)

Leopard Moth (Pantherodes pardalis)

Leopard Moth (Pantherodes pardalis) is a striking moth that definitely does not blend with the surroundings. It rests…

Kjøttmeis (Parus major)

Kjøttmeis (Parus major)

Vanlig og tallrik. En fugl de aller fleste gjenkjenner. Der fuglekasser settes opp er den en flittig bruker - også av…

Noctilucent clouds over Oslo

Noctilucent clouds over Oslo

I've been watching the sky every night so far this summer and only seen very vague hints of noctilucent clouds. Last…

Aspilia leucoglossa

Aspilia leucoglossa

I spent very little time on the Cerrado or grassland sections of the Noel Kempff Mercado National Park, but on my way…

Amazon Lava Lizard (Tropidurus torquatus)

Amazon Lava Lizard (Tropidurus torquatus)

These lizards were common alongside the path following the Iguaçu Falls.

Salar de Uyuni and The Magellanic Clouds

Salar de Uyuni and The Magellanic Clouds

This was an incredibly windy and cold night, and it was really hard to find a place away from the wind to set up the…

Mandevilla benthamii

Mandevilla benthamii

This mandevilla benthamii was rooted in a crack in the sandstone in the middle of a brook. Native range is Venezuela…

Honningbie (Apis mellifera)

Honningbie (Apis mellifera)

2009 har vært helt tomt for veps, mens fjoråret var det invasjon - merkelig... Tidligere år har jeg med undring sett at…